The Band
Linda can sing anything, but she’s especially on fire when she’s channeling tunes from her hometown Detroit, land of Motown. You can also catch Linda at the Oakland Interfaith Choir (can I get an Amen?). Linda formerly taught elementary school, which comes in handy when she’s trying to reign in the cats of Consilience. Recently the band has become very skilled at making “I” statements. And circle time rocks!

Also a native of Detroit, Rick is not to be disturbed during Red Wings Games. When he’s not killing the guitar or singing with Consilience, you can also catch him drumming with another local band, Vince Charming. Rick also plays keyboards, bass, and any other instrument that he comes across. He is particularly mourning the loss of Burt Bacharach.
Allen hosts the esteemed rehearsal space of Consilience: his driveway. It was also the site of Consilience’s first public concert, which needless to say was a raging, multi-platinum, mind-blowing success. As a physics professor at Laney College, he’s the only one in Consilience who understands our band name or what it means when we’re supposed to play in the key of F# 13.
When he’s not laying down the beat with Consilience, Tristan also professes English in both Marin and Sonoma. So if you’re looking for an exposition on the Sound of Silence, or if you want to know if what follows is a simile and metaphor, he’s your guy. He's like totally a ray of sunshine
A big fan of the movie “20 Feet From Stardom”, through sheer lack of personality and talent, Mark has lived his life at least 2.63 miles from stardom. It doesn’t help that Mark is a recovering oboist and mathlete. To round things out, Mark’s day job is as an actuary, which combines the riveting fields of statistics and insurance. It’s about as arcane as the term Consilience, and about 0.3% as popular as the oboe. Please encourage Mark in his road to recovery; at least he’s admitted he has a problem.