
The East Bay's Better-Than-Average 60s-70s+ Band

Lost Yacht, Found Groove

multicolored minivan parked on roadside near building
multicolored minivan parked on roadside near building

First of all

Welcome to Consilience

We play an eclectic mix of music from a time that might remind you of The Way We Were: when 8-track tapes were hip, rocks were pets, and Fear of Flying had nothing to do with aviation. Come see us live and experience the magic for yourself!

Not to mention

What's "Consilience"

We get asked all the time what "Consilience" means. Honestly, we wish we knew. It’s something about the convergence of different types of truth, like the arts, philosophy, science, and religion. Or kind of like when stale crackers become softer and stale bread becomes harder, and so eventually they converge to become the same thing. It’s heady stuff. Sorry, you were probably hoping for a better explanation than this. Chat GPT could probably write something way cooler. Or maybe you should just google it.

Harmonizing the past and present with Consilience